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Shafinaz Shaikh
Nov 8, 20215 min read
Accounting: Do we need it?
Before going on a one thousand word journey, let me start by quoting Warren Buffet: ‘Accounting is the language of Business.’

Rohan Bhatia
Oct 10, 20214 min read
3 Corporate Trends for a Post-Pandemic World
If you’d entered a 2-year coma in August 2019 and just awoken, to say the world would look unfamiliar would be a wild understatement.

Jessica Proctor
Oct 8, 20214 min read
Money and Quality of Life
Quality of life is formed by many factors, including health and wellbeing, opportunities, living situations, work, and social life.

Evelyn Chen
Oct 7, 20213 min read
Women in Afghanistan
It is unfathomable to me that women in the 21st Century can be denied the same freedoms that I have taken for granted all my life.

Evelyn Chen
Aug 26, 20218 min read
EU's Regulations for Ethics
Will the EU’s increase in regulations on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) matters going to make businesses more ethical?

Rohan Bhatia
Aug 25, 20215 min read
The Free Market Approach to Climate Change
Whether we want to admit it or not - the climate is changing. What is not clear, is if extreme economic restrictions are the way forward.

Evelyn Chen
Aug 24, 20212 min read
Emerging Economies
Emerging economies have accounted for almost two-thirds of global GDP growth and more than half of new consumption in the past 15 years.

Angela Chu
Aug 23, 20212 min read
COVID Changes & Creativity: Dining
The dining and restaurant industry was one of many that have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shafinaz Shaikh
Aug 22, 20214 min read
CyberSecurity: The Legal Aspect of the Digital World
Humans exist online as a collection of individual pieces of data. This data is also referred to as Personally Identifiable Information.

Evelyn Chen
Aug 20, 20213 min read
Returns from Socially Responsible Businesses
There is evidence to show that companies that adhere to socially-responsible values outperform the ones which don’t.

Rohan Bhatia
Aug 19, 20214 min read
Ikigai: How to Get the Most Out of Your Career
As a late-teen or twenty-something you’ll likely face a dilemma. What career do you pursue? Do you go to college? If so, what do you study?

Shafinaz Shaikh
Aug 18, 20214 min read
Economics Basics: Micro & Macro
If you have ever thought "why can’t we just print more money?" and then actually researched it, you would have begun to learn Economics.

Evelyn Chen
Aug 17, 20214 min read
The Training Tax Credit
Training tax credits could be the best way of supercharging growth, employment and living standards in "left behind" Britain.

Jessica Proctor
Aug 16, 20213 min read
Happiness Isn’t Good for the Economy
FOMO, the need for constant self-upgrade, and increasing pressures on modern society to fit in all significantly affect the economy.

Rohan Bhatia
Aug 11, 20214 min read
The Upsides of Inequality
Disparity between people in society of course has its downsides, but what often gets overlooked are the tangible benefits of inequality.

Abir Mohammed
Aug 10, 20213 min read
The Importance of Diversification & How to Do It
Think of diversification like this: if you have too many eggs in one basket and that basket falls - you’ve lost most of your eggs.

Jacqueline Chen
Aug 9, 20213 min read
Introducing Ponzi Schemes
A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud where funds from recent investors pay profits to earlier investors.

Rohan Bhatia
Aug 8, 20214 min read
FIRE and Financial Independence
FIRE. For a small select group of financial enthusiasts, the term ‘FIRE’ represents a break from the cycle of work. It represents freedom.

Angela Chu
Aug 6, 20213 min read
E-Commerce Fraud
Today, online shopping is a routine for shoppers. Due to the increase in online shopping, e-commerce scams have been on the rise.

Dhruv Syam
Aug 5, 20212 min read
The 2010 Flash Crash Explained
On May 6th, 2010, the Dow Jones Index lost almost 9% of its value in a matter of minutes. What happened?
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